Jimmie 1Leg Patriot and Michael J. Penney join SEVERE ANON and SpaceShot76 for a LIVE stream you will enjoy.
The Truth Trench Chief People Officer: Jimmie 1Leg Patriot and Chief Executive Officer: Michael J. Penney joined SEVERE and SpaceShot76 to talk about the VALUE of Truth Trench as a resource for fellow patriots to keep tabs on the happenings in the world. Truth Trench saves you time.
It was a wonderful opportunity for you the audience to see what we have been working hard on for your benefit. It is our sincere desire to provide a long lasting, globally recognized, resource for finding primary source content. We will continue to share original Truth Trench work on the site in order to bring more awareness to the content creators that are doing the hard work digging in the trenches everyday.
Special thank you to SEVERE ANON and SpaceShot76 for giving Jimmie and Michael the time to really delve into Truth Trench and all that we have to offer our audience members. Thank you for being a part of something great… mostly, thank you for being YOU.
We hope that you enjoy and share this episode. Be sure to check out SEVERE’s Truth Trench here.
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