Warning: This article contains some distressing content.
We begin this article with the introduction of the Manchurian candidate.

The term “Manchurian Candidate” was made popular by a 1960s political thriller.

This movie was the beginning of a long running spate of conspiratorial movies that involved brainwashing someone and inducing them to commit crimes for the benefit of another; in some cases, this was done on behalf of an enemy state.
One popular example was the movie series involving the character named Jason Bourne. In the series, Bourne’s real identity is David Webb, who was part of the US Army before being selected by the CIA to be an asset for “Project Treadstone”. This project was about creating elite assassins for CIA black ops. Webb is tortured by the CIA in order to be completely broken, shattered, and unable to recall his true identity. He is effectively placed into a ‘Deep Dream’; he is provided with a new identity (Jason Bourne), and trained to kill anyone he is told to with complete moral impunity.
These may be greatly entertaining movies, but their plots were not derived from fantasy:

The MKUltra project is a case where truth is stranger than fiction. The project’s origins are particularly interesting when we look through the #PrussiaGate lens:

In Part 4 we detailed the mind-boggling evil that the Nazis condoned as part of their research programs. No other civilization in human history has matched the magnitude and scope of Nazi-era human experimentation.
Much of their research in the concentration camps involved torture, rape, dismemberment, and psychopharmacology. The latter, of course, was controlled by the infamous IG Farben cartel. Cocktails of hormones, barbituates, crystal meth, mescaline and many other chemicals were forcefully injected into incarcerated POWs, Jews, Slavs, Romani, dwarves and homosexuals. Very few would survive the experiments. What was documented in the name of ‘research’ must have blown the mind of American military intelligence. When they discovered the research papers, many of the Nazi scientists were freed and allowed to continue their work.
In the field of mind control, America wanted its own ‘Manchurian candidates’. Therefore, the Ariosophic cult of the Thule society and the Nazis was able to live on, well beyond the fall of Germany after WWII.
Pharmakeia: When Prussia, Chemistry and a Cult Collide
Manchurian candidates are one thing; how to obtain complete control of a human mind is another. The Nazis were obsessed with controlling human beings both as individuals and collectively. Prussia was at the forefront when it came to the discovery of mind and mood altering substances. To get a better understanding of how this came to be, we must look to the origins of the word “Pharmacy”:

Studying Nazi mind control programs allows the etymology of pharmacy to take on a strange new meaning. It’s meaning really takes us to the origins of Big Pharma. Here are some of the world’s greatest drug discoveries over the last few centuries:

Bayer, of course, was part of the IG Farben cartel.

Are you noticing a pattern?
When it comes to chemicals which trick the human mind, a German scientist was almost always involved. One can argue that German scientists were at the forefront of scientific discovery, and this is certainly true. However, these scientists were almost exclusively working for German institutions that were trying to find ways to use these chemicals to control and exploit the human mind; this is the very definition of Pharmakeia.
When you consider the havoc heroin, cocaine and crystal meth have wrought on society, we must acknowledge that, to some extent, they succeeded.
When these discoveries were made, many German chemical factories began producing them on a mass scale for deployment throughout the broader community.
However, when it came to mescaline, the Nazis had a very specific end-goal. It was being used specifically in mind control experiments. For the Nazis, mescaline coupled with other drugs could induce shizophrenia and brainwash a victim into submission.

Mescaline is considered a natural product, which was somewhat out of character for Nazi-era psychopharmacologists to use. The Nazi pharmaceutical industry liked to isolate the active ingredient of a natural product and then concentrate the shit out of it. Mescaline was good, but the Nazis needed something more potent:

You may be shocked to know that the invention of LSD was not by the hand of a German chemist. LSD was discovered in 1938 by Albert Hoffman, a scientist working for the Swiss chemical company, Sandoz
. However, there was a minor detail with regards to Sandoz, that bring us straight back to the Nazis.

Fortunately, the Nazis were never able to perform human experiments using LSD on a mass scale. However, this did not matter with respect to the Ariosophic cult, as they had successfully transferred their scientific base to America, thanks to Operation Paperclip. The American military industrial complex had all the research documentation and the Nazi scientists who were instrumental in the experiments. With LSD now at their fingertips, it was time to see if they could improve upon the experiments they had undertaken previously using mescaline.
Monsters Amongst the Flower Children
We have already detailed how the Nazi scientists were relocated to America and elsewhere to continue their research. Under the Nazi regime, these men had an unlimited supply of humans to perform their Frankenstein-like experiments on the mind, body and soul of these poor subjects. This was an attack on humanity. When the Nazis collapsed in Germany, the endless supply of human lab rats collapsed with it. While they had transferred their base to America, it was a country born on the principles of freedom and the inalienable rights of every citizen. You could not simply intern people into concentration camps, deny them their rights, and perform deadly experiments on them.
This posed a problem for the continuation of Nazi scientific research on American soil, particularly in the field of mind control. To circumvent this problem, an agency was needed that could circumvent certain aspects of the Constitution in times of emergency; an agency that could take actions that were not constitutional, but in the interest of “National Security”.
In February, 1947, the state of Prussia was officially abolished, meaning it was no longer visible on the world diplomatic stage. A few months later, America took steps to form an agency that could deal with threats of national security.

The CIA was born. Under the guise of “National Security”, the MKULTRA operations were able to be launched. The Nazi research program into mind control could now continue, albeit with an American flavor. We will conduct a deeper dig into the formation of the CIA and the suite of MKULTRA programs in our next series, “Trust ze Science.”
The Rape of the Mind
Joost Meerloo was the Chief of the Psychological Department of the Netherlands Forces during WWII. He witnessed, first hand, the mind control methods used by the Nazis:

Dr. Meerloo escaped from a Nazi prison and fled to England. From there he moved to America, where he lectured Social Psychology at Columbia University. His book provides valuable insight into the methods used by totalitarian regimes to brainwash not just individuals, but entire populations.
With the Ariosophic cult now deeply embedded within some of America’s finest institutions, the science of “menticide”, or brainwashing, progressed with brutal efficiency.
The Poisoner in Chief

Sidney Gottlieb, a man whose parents fled Hungary before the Nazis arrived, grew up in New York during WWII. The atrocities that occurred in the Nazi camps did not seem to faze Gottlieb, and he was recruited by the CIA to continue the research in mind control:

The evil of Gottlieb’s experiments were paralleled only by the Nazi regime. Similar to the Nazi era, he was supplied with human lab rats for his experiments, most of whom were captured POWs or American prisoners. It was his obsession with LSD that was most notable:

Timothy Leary became the LSD “Pied Piper” of the Flower Children of the 1960s:

There are a few problems with Leary’s version of events. Perhaps he took too much acid.
Documents reveal that Leary received CIA money, disguised as government grants, as early as 1953. These were payments from Gottlieb, who was interested in mind-control experiments using psychedelics. However, Leary states he did not even know about psychedelics until 1957, after an article was written about them in LIFE magazine.
How is it possible that Gottlieb and the CIA were funding Leary before he knew anything about psychedelic drug use?
Interestingly, the LIFE article Leary was referring to was about an expedition that was subsidized by MKULTRA money. Considering that Gottlieb was already giving Leary money for his Harvard programs, it appears that the LIFE article was used as a cover story for Leary, as well as an advertisement for the broader recreational use of LSD and “magic mushrooms”.
Leary’s story becomes even more bizarre when you ‘follow the wives’. When Leary was indicted on drug charges, his wife at the time was Rosemary Woodruff Leary. She worked with the radical group, the Weather Underground, to help free her husband. In ReichsWEF – Part IV we presented the history of George Soros and his relationship with radical leftist Aryeh Neier. Neier was a leader of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which eventually morphed into the Weather Underground. Also recall the Weather Underground leaders and another significant connection:

We are not sure why Leary’s wife required help from a domestic terrorist organization, but that’s what happened. Regardless, Leary moved on from Rosemary, and fell into the arms of Joanna Harcourt-Smith. During this relationship, Leary was in prison for his drug crimes. It was at this time that Leary and Joanna decided to betray their LSD cult members:

It was never known whether Harcourt-Smith was a CIA asset. When a documentary film maker directly asked the CIA about Harcourt-Smith, they would neither confirm nor deny the accusation.
Timothy Leary certainly had some strange bedfellows. These included radical leftists in the 60s who were also friends with George Soros, including some who would later associate with Barack Obama. He had a girlfriend who was accused of being a CIA plant, and convinced Leary to become a federal informant. But the most important associate of the Harvard professor was Sidney Gottlieb, the man who, through Leary, supplied the youth of America with as much LSD as they could take. This was an ambitious MKULTRA experiment and an attempt to control the collective mind of America’s “Flower Children”.
The drugging of America was not the only experiment Gottlieb was observing at the time. Other monsters were lurking around the Flower Children movement of the 60s.
Poutine and Brainwashing
Quebec is a state in Canada. It’s capital, Quebec city, is the oldest city in Canada. Most ‘Quebecois’ are bilingual, owing to their rich history as a French territory. Even though the territory was given up by the French in 1763, many Quebecois have maintained their French heritage and continue to speak French as their primary language. This is in stark contrast to the residents of every other Canadian province, who speak English as their primary language.
The Quebecois embrace their unique culture, and as a consequence, they like to do things differently. The culinary culture in Quebec is mouth-watering. From their renowned high-end restaurants, to the delicious, heart-stopping French fries’ recipe, known as Poutine:

Apart from Poutine, Quebec was home to a few other unique experiments, and not just culinary. One such example was the brutal MKULTRA brainwashing experiments carried out by Dr. Cameron at McGill University in Montreal:
Within the larger MKUltra project existed a set of experiments run by the Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, which focused specifically on methods to reprogram an individual’s psyche. The experiments, conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute at Montreal’s McGill University, began as an attempt to further Dr. Cameron’s work on “psychic driving,” a method he believed could cure schizophrenia.
Cameron was involved in the research into mind-control. It is highly unlikely his research into ‘psychic driving’ was trying to cure schizophrenia.More likely, the program was about inducing schizophrenia:
Hundreds of patients enrolled in the project with the hope of curing their depression and schizophrenia under the world-renowned Dr. Cameron.6 Patients were often induced into a chemical sleep for days to months. Then patients would be “depatterned” by electroconvulsive therapy to reduce them to a “vegetable state, from which they would recover to a more healthy state of mind.”7 Often, patients were subjected to two to three daily sessions of 150-volt shocks, each of which lasted a total of six seconds. Without their knowledge or consent, patients were forcibly treated with large doses of LSD and subsequently played sixteen-hour recorded loops of negative messages for ten days, followed by ten days of positive messages.8 For hours on end, patients were subjected to taped messages such as “my mother hates me,” repeated up to 500,000 times per session.
If we analyze Dr Cameron’s techniques, a pattern emerges; he mimicked the techniques described in Dr. Meerloo’s book, The Rape of the Mind. Cameron’s work was just an evolution of the Nazi mind-control experiments, and there’s no doubt those running the program were fully aware of this. Induced chemical sleep? Electroconvulsive therapy? Forced mass-dosing of LSD? Ten days of recorded loops speaking positive messages, followed by 10 days of negative messages?
These poor bastards approached Dr. Cameron in the hope he may help cure their depression. Instead, they were placed into a living hell, and subjected to several, 10 day periods of darkness.
One unfortunate soul that acquiesced to Dr. Cameron’s human experiments, was Esther Schrier. She experienced trauma on a level that was equal to that of Mengele’s victims:

After her ordeal, Esther couldn’t boil water, she sucked her thumb, and suffered a variety of gynecological problems. She was one of many Canadians who suffered at the hands of Dr. Cameron. Cameron, on the other hand, was receiving grants from CIA/ MKULTRA front-organizations, in order to continue this gruesome work.
Today, Canadians are still seeking recognition and justice for the crimes committed against them. The Canadian documentary, the Fifth Estate, is highly recommended viewing.

The scale of Cameron’s work is somewhat understated by calling it a Fifth Estate; it was more like a Fifth Column. This CIA program was an apparatus that abused the intent behind the National Security Act in order to continue the Nazi experiments of WWII, exploring how to control the human mind. This was a cult, and it was operating inside the US, but outside of the intent of the law.
Dr. Cameron became completely unhinged. Earlier in this series we showed that the Thule society, and the Nazis, were simply a cult that originated from the premise that sex with children should be legalized. Cameron began echoing the same level of sickness:
In at least one case, a child was forced to perform sexual acts on government officials. Cameron recorded the acts, and used the recordings as bargaining chips in blackmailing the officials for continued research funding.
Meanwhile, back in Germany
One would think that the nightmare that had befallen the German people, back in 1917, was well and truly over by the 1960s. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The ability of the Thule cult to transform themselves and continue to practice their pedo-Aryan beliefs is truly remarkable. The Helmut Kentler project should remove any doubt that the cult was alive and well in a post-war Germany:

Given that Dr. Kentler suggests that only positive impacts were experienced by the victims, it is obvious that he did not speak to the young boys who were raped after being placed into foster care with known pedophiles:

Danish children were also suffering at the hands of this evil:

All these experiments were eerily similar to Mengele’s work with the Nazis. Who was funding this tyrannical research?

Was the CIA financing Kentler and his Danish counterparts to perform experiments on non-U.S. children for the purpose of mind-control research?
Show me the Money
There is one final monster that lurked amongst the Flower Children; his name was Dr. John Money.

This headline is incorrect. We have shown in this series that Dr. John Money did not invent “gender identity;” however, he certainly propelled the work of Hirschfeld into the modern-era:

These are simply re-assertions of Carl Ulrichs and Hirschfeld’s ‘third sex’ theories, and not the original thoughts of John Money. It is worth noting the institution Dr. Money worked for – Johns Hopkins. As we have presented previously, the founding president of The Johns Hopkins University was Daniel Coit Gilman, a leader in the original ‘Skull and Bones’ secret society at Yale
. In our article, Prussian Origins of Skull and Bones , we traced the origins and lineage of the secret order all the way back to Germany. Yet again, it was another evil society which had a strange connection back to Prussia.
Regardless, John Money’s experiments and research were nothing short of barbaric. Worse still, he believed that what he was doing was good:

Perhaps the worst of Money’s atrocities involved a set of Canadian twins, Bruce and Brian Reimer. Bruce suffered a botched circumcision when he was six months old. His penis was mutilated by the operation, and his parents were understandably distraught about what the future held for their son. They eventually were directed to Dr. John Money’s practice, where things took a wild turn for the worse:

Recall that Dr. Josef Mengele was also obsessed with experimenting on twins. This disturbing infatuation lived on through the work of John Money:

Money’s experiment on the Canadian twins was a complete disaster. Bruce Reimer never ‘transitioned’ to become a girl, despite all the chemicals and hormones Money injected into him. To make matters worse, Bruce was never told about his true biological sex until he was 14. At that point, he was close to committing suicide. Eventually, his parents revealed his real gender.
Both Reimer twins were severely traumatized by what had been done to them. By their late 30s, they no longer saw the point in living, and they committed suicide. Money’s appraisal of his work with the twins beggared belief:

Dr. Money was applying sexology theories that would have been right at home in the Weimar Republic and later in Nazi Germany! At this point any logical mind is wondering why the hell Dr. Money was so obsessed with experimenting on children:

The catastrophe that befell the Reimer twins did not seem to register with Dr. Money. In spite of the pornography and abuse he had subjected the young boys to, he seriously believed that he could alter the gender identity of a person, especially if you got to them young enough, and ‘sexualized’ them. Money is now revered in transgender circles as the ‘Father of Fuckology’:

A Work in Progress
When America took over mind control research from the Nazis, it came at a terrible cost. The Nazis were part of a quasi-religious cult which justified the extermination of non-Aryans as part of their march to create their new Aryan world. Humans targeted for extinction provided an endless supply of “lab rats” for their experiments.
To continue this research in the West, the war crimes committed by many Nazi scientists had to be ignored. Some of these scientists were needed to progress the field of mind-control, and were relocated to America, and abroad, as part of “Operation Paperclip”. Others were protected in foreign lands and allowed to continue their work.
While the experiments continued, the supply of humans had to be acquired in a completely different way:
- They used POWs and other prisoners who had lost their rights.
- They worked with certain doctors that used people who were willingly looking for medical and/or psychiatric help.
- They used children.
- They worked in foreign lands in order to circumvent legal ramifications.
- Finally, Gottlieb even engaged a Harvard professor who glorified and created an LSD cult, whereby people voluntarily tripped-out on a mass scale. This project gathered crucial data on mind-control techniques of the masses.
As we look back through the centuries, we can see that this cult continually progressed alongside humanity. The mighty German Reich, the Wandervoegel, the Weimar Republic, the Thule society, the Nazis, and even the MKULTRA project have all been relegated to the dustbin of history. What has remained, however, is the cult that seems radically committed to mind-control and their quest to transform Western civilization into a Greco-Uranian society.
To seek the control of the mind of another human deprives them of their right to find their own way in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. It is fundamentally evil. Those who continue the pursuit of mind-control have joined a cult, and made an ‘Evergreen’ promise to continue the transformation of civilization, no matter what the situation, political landscape, or cost:

A Man Walks into a BDSM Club…
Is it possible that the maniacal drive to embrace the transgender movement in the west, is the result of an ancient cult? Could this cult still be trying to transform the West into the Greco-Uranian world envisaged by the Thule society? Is it possible that their ‘evergreen’ promise is still playing out today?
Consider everything that has been presented about this cult thus far in this series:
- The historical pursuit to legalize pedophilia;
- The brutal sado-masochism of Ernst Rohm and the Thule society;
- The transgender phenomenon analyzed by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld during the Weimar-era;
- The development of drugs that are used for war, recreation, or altering the mind; and finally,
- The use of mind-control using drugs, trauma, and anything else that obliterates the will of a person.
In 1999, the first of one of the most successful film series was released – The Matrix.

Most of the known world knows about the series, and the plot is brilliant. It would take brilliant minds to create this series. The writers and directors were two brothers; Larry and Andy Wachowski:

As you can see, Larry and Andy are now Lana and Lilly, respectively. Their transition into the world of transgender may provide some insight into where the Thule cult is thriving today. Prior to Larry’s transition, he was happily married to his college sweetheart, Thea Bloom. After the success of the first Matrix movie, the couple moved to LA. Within a few years, life changed rapidly for Larry:

To have a married man become a full-blown trans, and then have his brother follow the same path shortly after, deserves some analysis. What effect does ketamine have on the mind?

The first thing that stands out is that ketamine was developed in the 1960s, just as LSD was becoming a ‘thing’. More notably, ketamine is an hallucinogen, creates personality dissociation, and brings on amnesia. Ketamine was doing everything that the Nazis and the MKULTRA program were trying to achieve in their research.
The dominatrix that allegedly gave ketamine to Larry was also exposing him to “sissyhypno porn”. We are not going to go into the detail here, but this article by Rachel Wilson is extremely comprehensive, however reader-discretion is strongly advised. It outlines how large swathes of men are becoming addicted to “hypno porn”, and why so many end up transitioning away from their biological sex:

Frighteningly, there is big money invested in and around the platforms faciliting this type of porn on the internet.
For our purposes, we are focused on the mind-control aspect that took hold of the Wachowski boys and convinced them to have gender-reassignment surgery. It would appear that when Larry walked into the BDSM club, he either forgot, or did not know the safe-word. He was then plied with drugs, hypnosis and sado-masochistic sex. The rest is history.
Recall the young men who entered Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld’s office in Berlin after being brutalized by Nazi luminaries, such as Ernst Rohm. Such unfathomable trauma resulted in Hirschfeld performing the world’s first transgender surgeries. Reconcile this with Larry Wachowski’s experience in the BDSM club.
Who was this mystery woman who impacted Larry so powerfully? Her stage name was Ilsa Strix:

This became more than just a casual visit to a dominatrix. She and Larry fell in love. Her real name is Karin Winslow:

There is more to Karin than just porn movies, ketamine and sado-masochistic beatings which eventually led to her husband surgically removing his genitalia. Her lineage is notable:

Some may be wondering just what the hell this Urania series is all about. Hopefully that will all become clear in the final part of this series.

To be continued…………
Sins of the Father with Kit Klarenberg
Listen now (54 min) | During the cold war, the CIA was obsessed with mind-control. There vision was creating a something like a Cylon from Battlestar Galactica. And so, they began a division called the MK-ULTRA, within MK-ULTRA, they conducted many gruesome experiments on human beings around the world. Some of it came to light during the church hearings. Some of it came …
a year ago · 12 likes · Robert Granniss
MK Ultra, Transgenderism, and Feminization of Men
2 years ago · 22 likes · 15 comments · Rachel Wilson
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